Occasional Papers

Vol. 5, No. 15 (August 01, 2012)
Azerbaijani culture in Diaspora: A conversation with Sabina Rakcheyeva
Below is the third in the series of interviews Azerbaijan in the World has recently conducted with leading figures of the widespread Azerbaijani diaspora on the state of Azerbaijani culture abroad. This third discussion, which focuses on music, is with Sabina Rakcheyeva, a distinguished Azerbaijani violinist living in London. Dr. Rakcheyeva’s official web page is at www.sabinarakcheyeva.com ...
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Azerbaijan expands ties with Latin America
The visit of Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov to Columbia, Argentina, Uruguay, and Peru during the last eight days of July highlights something that many have overlooked: More than any other post-Soviet state, Azerbaijan over the last decade has sought to expand its political, economic and cultural ties with the countries of South America. At each stop, Foreign Minister Mammadyarov met with the presidents, foreign ministers, economic officials, and members of the Azerbaijani diaspora. He extended invitations from President Ilham Aliyev to the presidents to visit Baku,...
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Yerevan again intentionally misunderstands Minsk Group declaration on flights
As they have in the past, Armenians are intentionally misunderstanding a declaration by the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, thus setting the stage for a tragedy for which Yerevan will have only itself to blame. Two commentators in particular, Anush Levonyan and Erik Eritsyan, have been particularly egregious in this regard, extrapolating from a promise Azerbaijanis have made to respect international law into an undertaking not to interfere with civil aircraft in general. These Armenian analysts in discussing the first part of the declaration of the Minsk Group co-chairs concerni...
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