Occasional Papers

About ADA Occasional Paper Series
The ADA University invites submissions to its new Occasional Paper Series (OPS), a publications effort that is designed to provide yet another outlet for research primarily by ADA University and Ministry of Foreign Affairs personnel, as well as by academics, experts and professionals from around the world who are interested in Azerbaijani foreign policy issues. This series is intended to provide both a forum for discussion of key issues relevant to Azerbaijan and its foreign policy and to serve as a first step toward the eventual publication of some articles in academic peer-reviewed journals.
All submissions accepted will be distributed solely in PDF format on ADA’s Azerbaijan in the World website. Authors maintain copyright, and the papers in every case represent the personal views of their authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Authors should send their manuscript electronically as an MS Word file attachment to Murad Ismayilov, the series editor, at mismayilov@ada.edu.az. The submission is to be in Times New Roman font, size 12, and double-spaced. There is no strict word limit, but most submissions should fall within 6,000 to 12,000 words (excluding references, tables, and annexes). The manuscripts should include the authors’ name, affiliation, institutional address, phone, fax and e-mail on the title page. Authors should provide a 200-word abstract along with three to five keywords to their papers and provide a brief biographic squib.
Decisions on publication will be made on the basis of a double-blind peer review process, involving two members of the Editorial Board composed of faculty members at ADA University and outside experts. On the basis of their combined recommendations, the editor will decide to publish the submission as is, accept it pending certain revisions, ask for revision and resubmission or reject the manuscript. In addition, the editor retains the right to reject any submission without review should his initial screening suggest that the paper does not meet basic standards.
The series uses “in-text” (parenthetical) references rather than footnotes. In every case, citations are to include the original author’s name, date of cited source and page number (where appropriate). Full citations of sources are to be provided in References section at the end of each article.
If the original language of the cited work is not English, bibliographic information should be given in the original language, transliterated, if the original is a non-Latin script. This includes author, title, journal/periodical title, city, and publisher’s name. Titles of articles or books should be translated in square brackets after the actual title (but only the title of the specific cited work, not of the periodical or book in which it appears). Capitalization in transliteration should follow the capitalization of the original language, unless there is a specific reason to do otherwise.
For further questions of style, please, refer to The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993), or contact the series editor at mismayilov@ada.edu.az.