Occasional Papers

Vol. 4, No. 21 (November 01, 2011)
Azerbaijan wins election to the UN Security Council
On October 24, Azerbaijan won election to the United Nations Security Council after a campaign that reflected far more than business as usual at the UN. According to UN Charter, the Security Council consists of 5 permanent members and 10 rotating non-permanent states elected for 2 years term, 5 of which are being replaced every year. The non-permanent seats are allocated by region. Sometimes each of the five regions agrees in advance on a candidate, but this year, Azerbaijan, Slovenia and Hungary competed for the seat allocated for Eastern Europe. Three days before the final ...
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“No Obstacles Remain" to flow of Azerbaijani gas to Europe
Seventeen years ago, Azerbaijan signed an agreement with the Western major oil companies allowing its oil to flow to the West, a deal that has been celebrated as “the deal of the century” both in Baku and the West. On October 25, however, President Ilham Aliyev and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed an accord in Izmir that, in the words of Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz, means that “no obstacles remain” to the flow of Azerbaijani gas to Europe and one that may thus prove just as important as its predecessor. “By the end of 2017 or the beginning of 20...
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Moscow and the delimitation of Karabakh in the 1920s
As a contribution to the unveiling of the history of Soviet policy toward Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan in the World offers what is the final section of a three-part article on the origins of Soviet policy on this region that was prepared by distinguished Azerbaijani historian Jamil Hasanly. It originally appeared in Russia’s Regnum News Agency at http://regnum.ru/news/fd-abroad/armenia/1429705.html. The previous sections of Professor Hasanly’s account were published in the preceding issues of Azerbaijan in the World ...
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