Occasional Papers

Vol. 3, No. 15 (August 01, 2010)
After Almaty: The future of Karabakh negotiations
Rarely in the past have expectations that a meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian officials would produce a breakthrough been higher than before the ministerial bilateral at the sidelines of the OSCE meeting in Almaty. All the signs seemed to point in a positive direction, and the Minsk Group, senior officials in Azerbaijan and Turkey, and commentators there and around the world expressed the hope that the two sides would accept the revised Madrid Principles and begin the process of ending the Armenian occupation of Azerbaijani territory. All the stars seemed to be aligned. &nbs...
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Child protection in post-Soviet Azerbaijan: Obstacles to the implementation of state policy on de-institutionalization and alternative care
Targeting children and youth in human capital development and creating employment opportunities for this vast segment of Azerbaijani population will help the country make use of one of their most important resources for equitable development and economic growth. And there is ample evidence that even limited investments promote better health and education outcomes for children, bringing considerable future benefits to society as a whole. One dollar spent on children immunization save 10 USD in later medical care, 1 USD on comprehensive parental care for women saves 3.38 USD in...
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