Occasional Papers

Vol. 6, No. 4 (February 15, 2013)
Azerbaijan in the world: Revisiting 2012 and looking forward to 2013
An interview with Dr. Aleksandr Karavayev, Deputy Director General, Information-Analytical Center, Moscow State University ...
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Baku expands program for Azerbaijanis to study abroad
On February 1, Baku’s education ministry announced the expansion of its highly successful program of supporting young Azerbaijanis who want to study in higher educational institutions abroad, a program that has helped the country overcome the legacy of the Soviet system in Azerbaijani schools, prompted Azerbaijani universities so that they can compete for the best students of the country, and allowed Baku to contribute to the formation of diaspora institutions that work to counter propaganda directed against Azerbaijan and to promote Azerbaijani interests abroad. The program, launched ...
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