Occasional Papers

Vol. 5, No. 8 (April 15, 2012)
Iran’s call for Caspian Sea—Persian gulf canal ‘unrealistic,’ experts say
Iranian Energy Minister Majid Namjou, drawing on ideas that have been circulating for more than a century, announced at the beginning of April that Tehran plans to begin construction of a canal from the Caspian Sea to the Indian Ocean. However, both because of the technical difficulties involved and because of the enormous geo-economic and geopolitical consequences such a canal would have for all Caspian littoral states, experts say that there is little likelihood that the latest Iranian effort will be realised. As outlined by Namjou, construction of the canal would cost approximat...
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Russian-Turkish relations between the Sovietization of Azerbaijan and the Sovietization of Armenia
Not having been able to withstand the attack of the Turkish forces, the Armenian government on November 15, 1920, advised Kazim Karabekir-pasha that it agreed with the conditions of the Ankara government of November 8 and that it was only for technical reasons that it had not been able to fulfill part of these demands. On the night of November 17-18, the Armenian government received news about the agreement of the Turks to an armistice, and on November 18, all military actions ceased. According to B. Legran’s information, unlike the armistice of November 8, the Armenians we...
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