Occasional Papers

Vol. 5, No. 13 (July 01, 2012)
Azerbaijani culture in diaspora: A conversation with Nigar Hasan Zade
Below is the first in the series of interviews Azerbaijan in the World has recently conducted with leading figures of the widespread Azerbaijani diaspora on the state of Azerbaijani culture abroad. This first discussion, which focuses on literature, is with Nigar Hasan Zade, a distinguished Azerbaijani poet living in London. Among the top ten foreign poets based in London as rated by the British Library, Mrs. Hasan Zadeh was recently honored by being invited to read her work to the closing session of that city’s Poetry Parnassus international festival ...
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TANAP and the energy security of Europe
The inter-governmental agreement on the construction of the Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP) that Azerbaijan and Turkey have recently signed is important not only from an economic point of view, but has a serious geopolitical connotation as well. Indeed, one can call the agreement a historic one, including because Azerbaijan, which will contribute 80 percent of the cost of this project, is assuming all the responsibility for the completion of this effort. Interest in the project is quite high both from the transit companies and from the European importers involved in the transi...
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Nagorno-Karabakh before the war
Because the international community has rejected the argument that the right of national self-determination includes the right to declare independence from an existing state if that state does not agree, Armenian activists seeking independence for Nagorno-Karabakh or alternatively its transfer from Azerbaijani sovereignty to Armenian increasingly stress that ethnic Armenians there were subject to intense economic, cultural and ethnic discrimination prior to 1988 when the war between Armenian and Azerbaijan entered its active phase. However, as Azerbaijani analysts point out, the record s...
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