Occasional Papers

Vol. 4, No. 2 (January 15, 2011)
2010 was a successful year for Azerbaijan — 2011 promises to be a challenging one
An interview with Dr. Aleksandr Karavayev, Deputy Director General of the Information-Analytical Center at Moscow State University ...
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Azerbaijan and the EU Eastern partnership: Toward a relationship of equals?
The European Union and Azerbaijan have cooperated since the fall of the Soviet Union. Since July 16, 2010, the two sides are committed to discussing a future Association Agreement within the framework of the EU Eastern Partnership program. That agreement will build on the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement the EU signed with Azerbaijan earlier as well as on the special relationship Azerbaijan enjoys with the EU thanks to its energy resources. If the relationship between the EU and Azerbaijan has been strong in the energy area, bilateral cooperation in other fields includin...
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Azerbaijan to take lead in supplying Europe with natural gas
Just as it earlier took the lead in promoting the construction of new pipelines to carry Caspian basin oil to the West, now Azerbaijan has committed itself to supply “substantial volumes” of its own natural gas production to the European Union, something that will boost Baku’s standing with that powerful economic group, thus building upon Azerbaijan’s drive to become a major player in an ever broader region and lessen the EU’s current dependence on the flow of natural gas through the Russian Federation, a development that could complicate relations between Baku and Moscow—eve...
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