Occasional Papers

Vol. 4, No. 1 (January 01, 2011)
Azerbaijanis look back to 2010 and forward to 2011
True to its tradition, Azerbaijan in the World is offering a brief survey of different perspectives on Azerbaijan’s foreign policy in 2010, looking into its evolving dynamics and assessing core accomplishments and major challenges of the year ...
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Progress toward a breakthrough: Azerbaijan and the world in 2010
Many in Azerbaijan and elsewhere expected 2010 to be a breakthrough year that would lead to the end of Armenian occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory, and because that has not happened, some of them are now giving the most pessimistic assessments of Baku’s foreign policy activities in 2010. But that is a serious mistake. On the one hand, the reaction of various international actors, including Azerbaijan, to the lack of progress on what is commonly referred to as the Karabakh conflict in fact makes progress more likely rather than less in 2011. And on the o...
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