Occasional Papers

Vol. 3, No. 5 (March 01, 2010)
Azerbaijan and India
An interview with H.E. Mr. Debnath Shaw, Ambassador of India to the Republic of Azerbaijan ...
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The Khojaly tragedy as a collective trauma and factor of collective memory
The Khojaly tragedy has many aspects. Here I would like to consider three psychological and socio-cultural ones: that event as a collective trauma, the various ways in which Azerbaijanis could relate to the trauma, and how we may be able to overcome it. To begin, I would like my readers to try to remember where they were and what they were doing when they first heard about Khojaly. I am sure that for the majority of Azerbaijanis 30 years old or older, that moment remains very much fixed in their minds even 18 years later. Psychologists call such recollections flashbulb ...
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Endgame or game end? The OSCE Minsk Group and the resolution of the Karabakh conflict
Never in the period of its existence has the OSCE Minsk Group been subjected to as much criticism as it has been in the last several months, a development that has led some to conclude that this structure, set up to find a resolution of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Karabakh and the other occupied territories, has had its day, should be replaced by some other entity, or, because of its failure to achieve its goals, has opened the way to new military action. Any of those directions is of course possible, but an examination of current complaints about the Minsk Group and...
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