Occasional Papers

Vol. 3, No. 11 (June 01, 2010)
Azerbaijani-Jordanian relations have deep roots
Relations between Azerbaijan and Jordan are based on a centuries-long shared history and culture, and they have developed in recent years because of the active dialogue between our two governments. Both Baku and Amman work together both bilaterally and in multilateral forums, and both are committed to the further strengthening of such ties in the future. In the years after Azerbaijan regained its independence, our late king Al Husain bin Talal developed and maintained excellent relations with Azerbaijan’s president at the time Heydar Aliyev. And in the last decade, Husain...
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Another turn of the Caucasus kaleidoscope: Turkish-Russian rapprochement and the Karabakh conflict
When Armenia and Turkey signed the protocols calling for the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two longtime enemies and the opening of the border between them, many in Baku and the rest of the world assumed that this shift in the diplomatic game would prevent any rapid resolution of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Karabakh and the other occupied territories. But it rapidly became clear that there was a long and difficult path between the signing of these accords and their adoption and that the initial judgments about their consequences for Karabakh we...
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Eurasianism and its implications for Azerbaijan
Eurasianism as theory and practice is an increasingly important component of Russian modern political discourse. Not surprisingly, Azerbaijanis have been both attracted and repelled by aspects of this ideology and its potential application in the post-Soviet space. Given the diversity of ideas and programs that exist under the rubric “Eurasian,” of course, it is impossible to predict with precision the consequences of the strengthening of Eurasian trends in Russia for Azerbaijan, but given the attention this set of ideas is receiving in Russia, Azerbaijanis cannot afford ...
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