Occasional Papers

Vol. 2, No. 15 (August 01, 2009)
Participants in the Summer School react
“ADA’s summer school on Energy Economics and Politics was a great enrichment for me, on an academic, professional and personal level. Extraordinary faculty, a diverse international student body and inspiring discussion on energy left me with an exceptional learning experience that is hard to find somewhere else. Completing this program in Baku, Azerbaijan, I had the unique opportunity to witness the change energy has brought to the region as well as the challenges that come with it. Overall, it was a very well rounded program that I would recommend to anybody seeking to understand the energy field better in a unique environment.” -- Claudia Mahn, MALD 2009, International Business Relations, Negotiation
& Natural Resource and Environmental Management, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
“Organizers’ warm hospitality, a very high level of the summer school participants and a special charm of the capital made our stay in Baku unforgettable.” -- Michael Brodsky, First Secretary, Department for Economic Affairs III, Euro-Asia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel
“Thanks to the high level of teaching, I have been able to acquire a lot of new
information that I am still absorbing and that will be helpful in my future research/work. Also, this summer school has provided us with a unique opportunity to find out more about Azerbaijan and its culture. This has also been an extremely positive and rewarding experience for my personal research on Azerbaijan as it is one thing to read about the country one studies, and a totally different one – to be and experience it on one’s own.” -- Olga Smirnova, Assistant Professor, University of East Carolina (ECU) in Greenville, North Carolina, USA
“I am very grateful to the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy and to the organizers of the Summer School on Energy Politics and Economics for an excellent program and
networking activities. First-hand presentations by Azerbaijani officials and major energy companies' representatives provided a valuable insight into the energy sector of Azerbaijan.” -- Ekaterina Svyatets, PhD candidate, the University of Southern California in Los Angeles
“The ADA summer school provided an enjoyable opportunity to learn about Azerbaijan, its culture, and its people. Talking, discussing and sharing views and backgrounds with all of the participants helped me a lot in opening my mind to new perspectives and convinced me to go back to the energy sector!” -- Laura Vitullo, Business Development Coordinator, Cleary Gottlieb, Brussels (Belgium)
“Spending the ten days with the summer school participants was a very stimulating experience. I hope we can carry on our exchanges and discussions and try to get something more concrete out of them.” -- Andrea Bonzanni, MA student of International Affairs, Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva
“I want to thank all of the people involved in making this fantastic event happen and to the fabulous participants who brightened it up.” -- Slawomir Raszewski, PhD Candidate, School of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of Leeds, UK
“The summer school was very well organized and enjoyable. An opportunity to interact with academics, businessmen and politicians from the Caspian region and from around the world; to learn about the future of the energy supply in Azerbaijan; and to be exposed to the people who actually craft the energy politics on a global level was a unique experience. The informal gatherings, the ministerial conference, and of course the natural beauties of the Caspian Sea and the Absheron peninsula will always stay with me as pleasant memories from Baku.” -- Natasha Hroneska, Research Coordinator & Research Fellow, Analytica, Macedonia
“I have had a very good time in Baku working together with all the participants, absorbing new knowledge at the lectures and listening to the discussions. I enjoyed our informal, colorful meetings, dinners and events we had together while discovering the beauty of Baku and Azerbaijan. Beyond any doubt, this school was a very remarkable event for everyone involved.” -- Natalia Parasyuk, UNEEC, Ukraine